✨ Score particles

Score includes 34 custom pre-made particles shapes from Xparticle library. You can check all the information on their github.

The attached link will direct you to the list of all available particle types.

  • blackSun

  • circle

  • diamond

  • circularBeam

  • filledCircle

  • chaoticDoublePendulum

  • magicCircles

  • infinity

  • cone

  • ellipse

  • blackhole

  • rainbow

  • crescent

  • waveFunction

  • vortex

  • cylinder

  • sphere

  • spikeSphere

  • ring

  • heart

  • atomic

  • helix

  • dnaReplication

  • tesseract

  • mandelbrot

  • julia

  • star

  • eye

  • illuminati

  • polygon

  • meguminExplosion

  • explosionWave


Each shape has some custom parameters to configure, to see these parameters use the following command:

/score particles-info 
/score particles-info shape:blackhole

Display the particle

To display the shape use the following command:

/score particles

To change the parameters of your shape just add into your current command

{the parameter name}:{the value}

You can add as much parameters as you want in the same line


Normally the shape is in the player who is running the command, to change this use:

target:{uuid of the target}

THE UUID not the name of the player, not the name of the target, not the name of the entity, the UUID.

If don't want to target someone but targetting a specific location use:


Example: score particles location:%block_world%,%block_x%+0.5,%block_y%+0.5,%block_z%+0.5 shape:circularBeam particle:flame color:ORANGE maxRadius:14 rate:500 radiusRate:15 extend:1 time:12 The 0.5 is added to make the particles appear on the center of the block

Particle type

Default, the shape will use the FLAME particle, to change this use

particle:{the particle type}

Color of redstone particle

Instead of using particle:{particle name} to use the restone particle with a custom color, add the next parameter:

color:{color Name}


  • "heart"

    • "/score particles shape:heart particle:HEART cut:4 cutAngle:2 depth:2 compressHeight:1 rate:100"

  • "blackhole"

    • "/score particles target:731bec03-102e-3179-b676-04de47c40580 particle:SMOKE_NORMAL shape:blackhole points:30 radius:2.5 rate:1 mode:2 time:50"

  • "vortex"

    • "/score particles shape:vortex particle:crit points:5 rate:25 time:100"

  • "diamond"

    • "/score particles shape:diamond particle:glow radiusRate:0.6 rate:0.4 height:3"

  • "ring"

    • "/score particles shape:ring particle:PORTAL rate:100 radius:2 tubeRadius:1"

  • "illuminati"

    • "/score particles shape:illuminati particle:NAUTILUS size:5 extension:20"

  • "meguminExplosion"

    • "/score particles shape:meguminExplosion color:RED size:5"

  • "circularBeam"

    • "/score particles shape:circularBeam color:PURPLE maxRadius:5 rate:500 radiusRate:15 extend:1 time:100"

  • "cone"

    • "/score particles shape:cone color:GREEN height:5 radius:1 rate:0.2 circleRate:10"

/score particles target:731bec03-102e-3179-b676-04de47c40580 shape:blackhole particle:SMOKE_NORMAL points:30 radius:2.5 rate:1 mode:2 time:50

Normally you won't know the uuid of a player, but since you can run this command inside EI, EB or EE, you can use the placeholders of it, such as using %target_uuid%.

Last updated