✨ Score particles
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Last updated
Score includes 34 custom pre-made particles shapes from Xparticle library. You can check all the information on their github.
The attached link will direct you to the list of all available particle types.
Each shape has some custom parameters to configure, to see these parameters use the following command:
To display the shape use the following command:
To change the parameters of your shape just add into your current command
You can add as much parameters as you want in the same line
Normally the shape is in the player who is running the command, to change this use:
THE UUID not the name of the player, not the name of the target, not the name of the entity, the UUID.
If don't want to target someone but targetting a specific location use:
Example: score particles location:%block_world%,%block_x%+0.5,%block_y%+0.5,%block_z%+0.5 shape:circularBeam particle:flame color:ORANGE maxRadius:14 rate:500 radiusRate:15 extend:1 time:12 The 0.5 is added to make the particles appear on the center of the block
Default, the shape will use the FLAME particle, to change this use
Instead of using particle:{particle name}
to use the restone particle with a custom color, add the next parameter:
"/score particles shape:heart particle:HEART cut:4 cutAngle:2 depth:2 compressHeight:1 rate:100"
"/score particles target:731bec03-102e-3179-b676-04de47c40580 particle:SMOKE_NORMAL shape:blackhole points:30 radius:2.5 rate:1 mode:2 time:50"
"/score particles shape:vortex particle:crit points:5 rate:25 time:100"
"/score particles shape:diamond particle:glow radiusRate:0.6 rate:0.4 height:3"
"/score particles shape:ring particle:PORTAL rate:100 radius:2 tubeRadius:1"
"/score particles shape:illuminati particle:NAUTILUS size:5 extension:20"
"/score particles shape:meguminExplosion color:RED size:5"
"/score particles shape:circularBeam color:PURPLE maxRadius:5 rate:500 radiusRate:15 extend:1 time:100"
"/score particles shape:cone color:GREEN height:5 radius:1 rate:0.2 circleRate:10"
Normally you won't know the uuid of a player, but since you can run this command inside EI, EB or EE, you can use the placeholders of it, such as using %target_uuid%.