Item Restrictions/Resistances
On this page you will learn about item restrictions and some resistances, this will allow you to customize the behavior on certain cases of the item.
Global restrictions
Info: If you would like to add one of item restrictions to all the items you have made on the plugin you can add the restriction config of the restriction(s) you want inside the config.yml file of the plugin.
Example: I would like to add the restrictions of not using anvil and grind stone to all ExecutableItems created and to be created
Individual restrictions
On this section you will learn how to add an individual restriction only for the ExecutableItem you are currently editing.
Cancel the drop of the item
Info: Boolean value that prevents the player from dropping the executable item.
Cancel placing the block into the ground.
Info: Boolean value that prevents the player from placing the Executable Items in case of the item is an instance of block into the ground.
Cancel the use of the item in any recipes on the crafting table
Info: Boolean value that prevents the player from crafting vanilla recipes with the ExecutableItem.
Cancel the use of the item in only vanilla recipes, not affecting the custom ones
Info: Boolean value that prevents the player from crafting vanilla recipes with the Executableitem but can still be used for custom crafting recipes.
Cancel interaction to decorate minecraft pots
Info: Boolean value that prevents the player from putting the ExecutableItems in the decorated pots
Cancel depositing the item into a storage
Info: Boolean value that prevents the player from putting the ExecutableItem in the following list:
Ender Chest
Trapped Chest
Shulker Box
Example: (This feature doesn't work on creative)
Cancel depositing the item into a furnace
Info: Boolean value that prevents the player from putting the ExecutableItem in the following list:
Blast Furnace
Example: (This feature doesn't work on creative)
Cancel the burn of the item in fire and lava
Info: Boolean value that prevents the ExecutableItem to get burn in fire or lava.
Cancel item delete because of cactus interaction
Info: Boolean value that prevents the ExecutableItem to get deleted when touching a cactus block.
Cancel item delete when strike by a lightning
Info: Boolean value that prevents the ExecutableItem to get deleted when a lightning strikes it.
cancel-item-delete-by-lightning: true
Cancel enchanting the item
Info: Boolean value that prevents the item from getting enchanted
Cancel item placement inside an anvil
Info: Boolean value that prevents the player from putting the ExecutableItem inside an anvil. This finally prevents from placing it so it prevents rename and enchant too.
Cancel rename action using an anvil
Info: Boolean value that prevents the player from renaming the ExecutableItem using an anvil.
Cancel enchant action using an anvil
Info: Boolean value that prevents the player from enchanting the ExecutableItem using an anvil.
Cancel item interaction with horse/mule/llama
Info: Boolean value that prevents the ExecutableItems for interaction with horses/mules/llamas. This disable the storage too.
Cancel the consumption/eat of the item
Info: Boolean value that prevents the player from consuming or eat the ExecutableItem.
Cancel use of the item inside the crafter block
Info: Boolean value that prevents the player from putting the ExecutableItems inside a crafter block.
cancel-crafter: false
Restriction of locked in the inventory
Info: Boolean value that makes the ExecutableItem stay in the slot where it is and prevents the player from moving it in any possible way.
Example (This feature doesn't work on creative)
Cancel tool interactions
Info: Boolean value that prevents the player from using the ExecutableItem trigger tool interactions. e.g. (Right click a block using an axe to strip it, Using a hoe to farm a grass block)
Cancel placing the item inside an item frame
Info: Boolean value that prevents the player from putting the ExecutableItem inside anitem frame.
Cancel the interaction with an smithing table
Info: Boolean value that prevents the player from putting the ExecutableItem inside an smithing table.
Cancel the interaction with a grind stone
Info: Boolean value that prevents the player from putting the ExecutableItem inside a grindstone.
Cancel the interaction with a stone cutter
Info: Boolean value that prevents the player from putting ExecutableItem inside a stone cutter.
Cancel the interaction with a brewing stand
Info: Boolean value that prevents the player from putting the ExecutableItem inside a brewing stand.
Cancel the interaction with a beacon
Info: Boolean value that prevents the player from putting the ExecutableItem inside a beacon.
Cancel the interaction with a cartography block
Info: Prevents the player from putting the ExecutableItem inside a cartography block.
Cancel the interaction with a composter block
Info: Boolean value that prevents the player from putting the ExecutableItem inside a composter.
Cancel the interaction with a dispenser block.
Info: Boolean value that prevents player from putting the ExecutableItem into a dispenser block.
Cancel the interaction with a dropper block
Info: Boolean value that prevents the player from putting the ExecutableItem inside a dropper block.
Cancel the interaction with a hopper block
Info: Boolean value that prevents the player from putting the ExecutableItem items inside a hopper. This means leaving the item inside the container of the hopper. This does not prevent the item entering the hopper via dropped item on top of the hopper.
Cancel the interaction with a lectern block
Info: Boolean value that prevents the player from putting the ExecutableItem inside a lectern block.
Cancel the interaction with a villager trader/merchant
Info: Boolean value that prevents player from putting the ExecutableItem inside a villager/merchant trade.
Cancel item hand swapping
Info: Boolean value that prevents the player from swapping the items from one hand to the another. Generally using F on the keyboard for "Swap items with offhand"
Cancel the interaction of a horn
Info: Boolean value that prevents the player from playing the horn in case the ExecutableItem is a horn.
Info: Prevents the player from putting the ExecutableItem on an armor stand.
Last updated