How to update correctly
This tutorial will be made assuming you already have the plugin on your server following the instructions in How to install correctly and now you want to update it but don't know how.
Stop the server
Go to spigot and download the last version. Both links in the link below.
Go to your server files / plugins / and delete MyFurniture.jar, ExecutableItems.jar and Score.jar (old ones).
Then, download the plugins again and place them into your plugins folder.
Start your server.
If its the case you are using a webpage host server, it is highly recommended to don't drop it instantly into plugins folder, but, drag them first into desktop and once they are in your desktop, drag them into plugins folder.
Special case
It's better if MyFurniture, SCore and ExecutableItems end the same for example X.25.1.2. To be sure you that all the plugins work fine together.
Last updated
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