⌨️Commands & Permissions
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Last updated
TIP for beginners:
To give the permissions of all items, I advice you to download a permission plugin like Luckperms, Once you have a perm plugin you just need to give the permission ei.item.*
, for Luckperm the command is /lp group default permission set ei.item.* true
Permission: ei.item.{id}
Negative permission: -ei.item.{id}
Example: ei.item.Test
Give all items permission: ei.item.*
Permission: ei.nocd.{id}
Description: Give this custom permission to disable the cooldown for your vip players
(Be sure to test without being op)
Permission: ei.*
Permission: ei.cmds
Command: /ei create {id}
If you want copy the item of another plugin, or a custom vanilla item (Banner, Shield, ...), it's simple ! Take it in your main hand and execute the create command.
Permission: ei.cmd.create
Command: /ei editor or /ei show
Permission: ei.cmd.editor
or ei.cmd.show
Command: /ei reload
Permission: ei.cmd.reload
Reload only 1 item
Command: /ei reload <Id of the item>
Permission: ei.cmd.reload
Reload a folder
Command: /ei reload folder:Name_Of_My_Folder
Permission: ei.cmd.reload
Command: /ei default_items
Permission: ei.cmd.default_items
Command: /ei delete {id}
Permission: ei.cmd.create
Command: /ei edit {id}
Permission: ei.cmd.edit
ALL - Resets the player's delayed commands, cooldowns and actionbars
DELAYED_COMMANDS - Resets all delayed commands caused by DELAY and DELAYTICK
COOLDOWNS - Resets all player's cooldowns across all items
ACTIONBARS - Resets all player's actionbars from the ACTIONBAR custom command
Permission: ei.cmd.clear
It supports entities too just use the entity UUID instead of player name
Command: /ei actionbar {on or off}
Permission: ei.cmd.actionbar
Command: /ei inspect
Requirement: The item must have the option storeItemInfos: true
+ : it shows the owner of the item, id, usage, and more !
Permission: ei.cmd.inspect
Command: /ei unowned
+ : After that the next player who click on this item will become the new owner (the player must be not op)
Permission: ei.cmd.unowned
Command: /ei take {playername} {id} {quantity}
Permission: ei.cmd.take
command: /ei refresh {playername or all} {ExecutableItemID or all} {resetUsage} {resetDurability}
Permission: ei.cmd.refresh
command: /ei set_owner <playerName>
It works even with offline players
It is useful to check when an activator is being activated
command: /ei debug
Command: (The variables and usage part besides the id is optional)
/ei give {playername} {id}{Variables:{var_id:val},Usage:val} {quantity} [giveOfflinePlayer default true]
/ei give %player% Genesis_Crystal{Variables:{vibraniun:10,proton:30},Usage:10} 3
/ei give %player% SurgeBlade{Variables:{charge:%var_charge%+1},Usage:%usage%-1} 1
/ei give %player% BoneBlade 1
Permission: ei.cmd.give
Works for offline players
/ei giveall {id} {quantity} [world] [giveOfflinePlayer default false]
Permission: ei.cmd.giveall
Does not work for offline players
Command: (The variables and usage part besides the id is optional)
/ei giveslot {playername} {id}{Variables:{var_id:val},Usage:val} {quantity} {slot} [override true or false]
/ei giveslot Ssomar test{Variables:{x:"Hey",world:"Island"},Usage:50} 1 0
/ei giveslot Special70 rum{Usage:69420,Variables:{tell_me:"why",aint_nothing:"BUT A HEARTBREAK"}} 1 %slot%
Default usage : The usage that is in the config of your EI
Override allow the EI to take that slot, and if there was an item there, it is going to move to another slot or get dropped to the ground.
Permission: ei.cmd.giveslot
Give every EI in a specific folder to a player
/ei givefolder {playername} {folder} {quantity}
/ei drop {id} [quantity] [world] [x] [y] [z]
ei drop totemshatter 1 %world% %x% %y% %z%
ei drop nuclearWar{Usage:3,Variables:{niconico:"nii"}} 25 %block_world% %block_x% %block_y% %block_z%
ei drop cybert1_5{Variables:{eh:5},Usage:5} 1 world 535 74 1329
Default quantity : 1
Default location : The location of the player who has executed this command
Permission: ei.cmd.drop
In-game > /ei modification set|modification usage {slot} {value}
In console > /ei console-modification set|modification usage {player} {slot} {value}
set: Set a new value
modification: if the value set is positive it will increase the actual value of the usage otherwise it will decrease the usage
For the slot check the image below:
Permission: ei.cmd.modification
/ei console-modification {set/modification} variable {player} {slot} {variableName} {value}
VIA on game
/ei modification {set/modification} variable {slot} {variableName} {value}
/ei search [Item ID] [search mode]
Search modes:
players: Search an EI in all online player inventories
containers: Search an EI in all loaded containers
all: both last.
Example: /ei search EternalSword all
/ei run-custom-trigger trigger:{activatorId} // It will execute the activator(s) for all the players that have an EI that has an activator with the specified ID.
/ei run-custom-trigger trigger:{activatorId} player:{playerName} // It will execute the activator(s) only for the player specified and if he has an EI that has an activator with the specified ID.
/ei run-custom-trigger trigger:{activatorId} player:{playerName} slot:{slot, -1 for held item} // It will execute the activator(s) only for the player specified and if he has an EI in the specified slot that has an activator with the specified ID.
+++ If you type more things in the commands you will be able to retrieve these infos using %arg1% %arg2% ... or %all_args%