✔️Compatible Plugins
Here is a non-exhaustive list of plugin that you can combine with ExecutableItems
Take note that this list is strict related compatible plugins, almost every plugin is compatible with Ssomar plugins, if you want to run a command from another plugin, just replace the name of the target with the placeholders. For example essentials fly essentials:fly %player% For example vanish vanish %player%
For example essentials economy
economy give %player% 100 Etcetera, every command that supports the name of a player is "compatible" with EI |EB | EE.
This section is for compatible plugins that works with Ssomar plugins, there are some features that we have that its compatible with the other plugins.
Before starting you must know that compatible ≠ usable, allmost all plugins are usable for Ssomar Plugins, this is because all commands are run by the console, that means you can use your custom plugin's commands using the correct arguments. For example
Want to apply fly command from essentials to the player ?
essentials:fly %player%
Want to apply vanish command from essenntials to the player ?
vanish %player%
Want to give money from essentials economy to the player?
economy give %player% 100
And a big list, every command outside Ssomar plugin's world that supports a target where you can fill with %player% then it can be used.
You can make your MythicMobs mobs drop Ssomar Plugins Items in these ways:
Hold the ExecutableItem and do
/mm i import
, this will make the item to get imported into the items.yml file of MythicMobs, from there, you can add it to the LootTable of MythicMobs.Executing a skill ~onDeath from the mob, casting a command skill adding the next line:
The same idea but instead of using ExecutableItem use the ExecutableBlock, and on the command from skill use "eb" instead of "ei".
You can specify the activators from SsomarPlugins to only work with specific MythicMobs using this feature https://docs.ssomar.com/executableitems/configurations/activator-configuration/activators-features#p_e-detailedentities
Example : Creating an ExecutableItem that makes more damage to a list of MythicMobs
Example: Creating an ExecutableBlock that damages a specific MythicMob when it walks above the block
Example: Creating an ExecutableEvent that only works for a list of MythicMobs.
You can summon MM Mobs using this command inside your activator:
Depending on the activator you are using you may need to change the placeholders.
Example: Instead of %world% it may be needed to use %player_world%,%target_world% or %block_world%
⭐You can use this idea with ExecutableBlocks and LOOP activator to create custom MythicMobs spawner.
Run MythicMobs skill from Ssomar Plugins features
You can use on commands section
SUDOOP mm test cast <skill>
to run a skill from MythicMobs.
Custom SCore commands
⭐Its possible to make a fishing system using MythicMobs like the one that is on the Hypixel Minecraft Server. For example having tier list of different fishing rods (All handled by ExecutableItems), that each tier will have from low probability to higher probability to catch more epic mobs from your lakes, adding restrictions to only fish MM mobs from the lakes in "x" cordinates (or a WorldGuard region), etc.
You can make your LevelledMobs drop ExecutableItems using this resource:
Ssomar Plugins have this feature https://docs.ssomar.com/executableitems/configurations/activator-configuration/activators-features#requiredmana in order to have as requirement for the activator to work Mana.
Aurelium Skills commands
Also you can use AureliumSkills commands on your plugin, such as giving mana to the player, giving mana to the players around (Like a supporter), etc.
Aurelium Skills NBT
You can create an ExecutableItem that while holding it increases your maximum mana, this can be done by creating an item, running the
/sk modifier
command and then while holding the item running/ei create <id>
now the ExecutableItem has the NBTTag of the command and so it has the modifications that you made.
ExecutableBlocks & ExecutableItems
You can link an ExecutableItems and ExecutableBlocks so the item will have activators as an item and same as a block, the usage will keep the same in both even if the EB is placed and then broke.
You can link an item/block from ItemsAdder and ExecutableItems (also the item texture & block texture is supported, etc). The method for items can be done with 2 ways:
By their side adding this in their .yml
You can search more info in their wiki.
Having NBTAPI plugin, taking the ItemsAdder item on your hand and doing /ei create
And for block texture import the EB as ItemsAdder (from EB gui).
detailedBlocks of specific activators supports ItemsAdder blocks
The Oraxen retexturing blocks is supported by EI as item retexturing
The oragen retexturing blocks and furnitures is supported by EB.
You can use any placeholder as a condition, as a variable, as a value to print, as a value to damage, as a value of almost anything you want.
This plugin supports EI | EB from being sell in its shop.
Also it has a command that allow you to sell all the items inside a chest
This plugin supports EI | EB from being sell in its shop.
This plugin supports EI | EB from being sell in its shop.
Inside conditions of EI |EB | EE you can select the condition if you want an activator to run if IN or OUTSIDE a region of WorldGuard
Most of the commands are detected by WorldGuard first, so you can chill out thinking, "oh, the players will grief the server if I use a break command from EI", because that will not happen (unless you don't use a EI Command, for example setblock vanilla command, that is not protected with griefing.)
Also on EB you can fill a WorldGuard region with specific percentages of eb, and normal blocks, useful for mines.
You can make your EI items to have the displayItem a head from HeadDB
And then you can link it to an EB if want the EB to be a head, more info in EB FAQ.
Inside conditions of EI | EB | EE you can select the condition if you want an activator to run if is IN his island.
Inside conditions of EI | EB | EE you can select the condition if you want an activator to run if is IN his island.
Coop feature from the plugin SuperiorSkyblock. For example the commands like MINEINCUBE will not anymore be canceled for the coop players.
Inside conditions of EI | EB | EE you can select the condition if you want an activator to run if is IN his claim.
Inside conditions of EI | EB | EE you can select the condition if you want an activator to run if is IN his claim.
Two activators specific for the plugin Lands:
Inside conditions of EI | EB | EE you can select the condition if you want an activator to run if is IN his claim.
Inside conditions of EI | EB | EE you can select the condition if you want an activator to run if is IN his claim.
Inside conditions of EI | EB | EE you can select the condition if you want an activator to run if is IN his Plot.
Inside conditions of EI | EB | EE you can select the condition if you want an activator to run if is IN his "town"
Advanced Enchantments
Due to how it works, their enchants are not present in the enchantments list. So it can't be added with the enchants feature:
But it's possible to add their enchants on your ExecutableItems:
It will add the Advanced enchantment Haste with a level of 1 on your ExecutableItem
Then you should edit the lore of your EI, to let your player know that their is an Advanced enchant on it.
Most of the commands related to break supports the custom block loots from this plugin. Such as: MINEINCUBE-FARMINCUBE-BREAK-etc.
The activator EI_ENTER_IN_THE_PLAYER_INVENTORY is triggered by their methods.
Items from ExecutableItems can have their enchantments.
Items from ExecutableItems can have their enchantments (it could be that the enchantments aren't displayed in the lore, this is problem of ExcellentEnchants, not our problem. Written in 12/28/2022)
requiredMana feature for activators can use mana from this plugin.
The custom command SETGLOW is compatible with TAB, just use the placeholder %score_cmd-glow%
This allows you to import structures that can be placed with EI | EB | EE.
Their biomes are supported by biome conditions
You can use conditions to checks if the player has specific magic values.
You can use commands to get or remove magic values.
It supports
Block protections
Custom claim conditions
SELL_CONTENT command supports CMI prices
JOBS_MONEY_BOOST command work for this plugin.
requiredMana features inside the activator supports the mana from this plugin.
requiredMoney feature works with Vault.
Citizen NPC
Last updated