[Complex] Moving Particle Projectile
This page will instruct you on how to create an item that shoots a particle projectile when right-clicking it.
1) Create an EI Item
2) Create 6 variables:
x, y, z, world, yaw, pitch, uuid
The purpose of the uuid variable is to make it so it's spammable just in case you plan to make a moving projectile that stops when it comes in contact with something.
Set the type of the variables except the "world" variable into INTEGER
Set the type of the "world" variable to STRING
3) Go to the activator editor
4) Create the first PLAYER_RIGHT_CLICK activator
Go to the variable update option
add an option for all 6 variables
set their modification type to SET
Update value of the following variables would be
x : %x%
y : %y%
z : %z%
world : %world%
yaw : %player_yaw%
pitch : %player_pitch%
uuid : %rand:1|1000000%
5) Create the second PLAYER_RIGHT_CLICK activator
6) Add the commands
1) Simple Moving Particle that damages things that comes in contact with
Go to https://docs.ssomar.com/tools-for-all-plugins/general-questions-or-guides/math-formulas#player-direction-offset-formula to get a copy of the math formula for reference
Decide the range and the thickness of the line
For example, you want the projectile to travel 20 blocks while spawning 4 particles per block. It would be 20x4 = 80 so the first command in the second PLAYER_RIGHT_CLICK will be
Then utilize the math formula
After copypasting the formula, it will initially look like this,
~%math_2*SIN({player_yaw}*-1)*COS({player_pitch}*-1)% ~%math_2*SIN({player_pitch}*-1)% ~%math_2*COS({player_yaw}*-1)*COS({player_pitch}*-1)%
For this portion of the guide, we will be using fireworks to produce the particle line.
execute at %player% run particle firework ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 1
The "2" part of the math formula above represents the distance from the main location. We will combine it with the ~ symbols so the user's coordinates will add up along with the math formula. We will be replacing the yaw pitch placeholders with the variables, yaw & pitch.
Why are we using item variables? To make sure that when we look or face elsewhere, the particle would still fly at the correct direction.
After all of that, retype the command:
execute at %player% run particle firework ~%math_(%for1%)*SIN(%var_yaw%*-1)*COS(%var_pitch%*-1)% ~%math_(%for1%)*SIN(%var_pitch%*-1)% ~%math_(%for1%)*COS(%var_yaw%*-1)*COS(%var_pitch%*-1)% 0 0 0 0 1
Adding Extra Effects:
Now, you want to add effects to your moving projectile. How do we do this?
Potion Effects
Use the command:
execute at %player% positioned ~%math_(%for1%)*SIN(%var_yaw%*-1)*COS(%var_pitch%*-1)% ~%math_((%for1%)*SIN(%var_pitch%*-1))+1.6% ~%math_(%for1%)*COS(%var_yaw%*-1)*COS(%var_pitch%*-1)% run effect give @e[name=!%player%,distance=..2] slowness 2 2 true
Damage (Rapid)
Use the command:
score run-block-command block:%world%,%math_(%x%)+((%for1%)*SIN(%var_yaw%*-1)*COS(%var_pitch%*-1))%,%math_1.6+(%y%)+((%for1%)*SIN(%var_pitch%*-1))%,%math_(%z%)+((%for1%)*COS(%var_yaw%*-1)*COS(%var_pitch%*-1))% player:%player% MOB_AROUND 1 DAMAGE 2
Then afterwards, compute what DELAYTICK value you have to use.
Earlier, we decided to spawn 4 particles per block. So, the formula will be (20/4) and the quotient will be 5. Which means, we will use
Then, we will end the LOOP command with a
End Product (item config version)
Last updated