Item Conditions

For conditions that require numerical values, you can assign 2 conditions.

Example: "I want to create a condition that only activates if the value is greater than 50 but less than 250" So what you would type in the config will be 50 < CONDITION < 250

If a condition fails to be met, you can enable cancelEvent so if a specific condition isn't completed, cancelEvent will run. You can also customize the error message !

You can also run commands if the condition has failed to execute!


    ifDurability: '>600'
    ifDurabilityMsg: '' #<- Here is where you will add the custom message.
    ifDurabilityCancel: true
    - say oh sympathy


  • Description: Checks if the ei has the said durability.

  • Example:

    ifDurability: '>600'
    ifDurabilityMsg: '' #<- Here is where you will add the custom message.
  • Example Situations:

    • If the value is <789, the activator will only activate if the item's durability is below 789

    • If the value is <1000, the activator will only activate if the item's durability is 1000 and below.

    • If the value is ==788, the activator will only activate if the item's durability is 788.

    • If the value is >989, the activator will only activate if the item's durability is above 989.

    • If the value is >=676, the activator will only activate if the item's durability is 676 and above.

  • Required: NO


  • Description: Checks if the item has the said usage remaining.

  • Example:

    ifUsage: '>5565'
    ifUsageMsg: '' #<- Here is where you will add the custom message.
  • Example Situations:

    • If the value is <456, the activator will only activate if the item's usage remaining is below 456

    • If the value is <=234, the activator will only activate if the item's usage remaining is 234 and below.

    • If the value is ==16, the activator will only activate if the item's usage remaining is 16.

    • If the value is >6666, the activator will only activate if the item's usage remaining is above 6666.

    • If the value is >=78, the activator will only activate if the item's usage remaining is 78 and above.

  • Required: NO

  • Also it supports to work in intervals

        ifUsage: 4 < CONDITION <= 8
        ifUsageMsg: '&4&l&o[ExecutableItems] &cThis item must have the valid usage
          to active the activator: &6%activator% &cof this item!'
        ifUsageCancel: false


  • Description: Checks if the item has the whitelisted enchantment.

  • Example:

    - ARROW_FIRE:1
    ifHasEnchantMsg: '' #<- Here is where you will add the custom message.
  • Example Situations:

    • If the EI item has the Flame enchantment and you have the condition in the example part, the activator activates

  • Required: NO


  • Description: Checks if the item has the blacklisted enchantment.

  • Example:

    ifHasNotEnchantMsg: '' #<- Here is where you will add the custom message.
  • Example Situations:

    • If the EI item has the Power VI enchantment and you have the condition in the example part, the activator does not activate

  • Required: NO

ifCrossbowMustBeCharged - Not

  • Description: Checks if the item is a (not) charged crossbow.

  • Example:

    ifCrossbowMustBeCharged: true
    ifCrossbowMustBeChargedMsg: '' #<- Here is where you will add the custom message.
    ifCrossbowMustNotBeCharged: true
    ifCrossbowMustNotBeChargedMsg: '' #<- Here is where you will add the custom 
  • Example Situations:

    • If the EI item is a charged crossbow, the activator activates

  • Required: NO

  • More Info: You can edit the error message by adding this in the file:

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