Custom sounds

This is related to texture packs, but in difference to "Custom textures" this can be applied by all players, let's do it !

First let's create our new folder where we will store our sounds

  • As we saw in the previous tutorials, our first look into our texture pack should look like this:

        - assets
        - pack.mcmeta
        - pack.png
  • Inside assets, we have the folder "minecraft", let's add our own folder, I will call it "customsounds", it should look like this

        - assets
            - minecraft
            - customsounds
        - pack.mcmeta
        - pack.png
  • And let's add our json where we will manage our sounds

        - assets
            - minecraft
            - customsounds
                - sounds.json
        - pack.mcmeta
        - pack.png
  • And inside our sounds.json we will add a format like this

      "thisisthenameofmysoundnumberone": {
        "subtitle": "hello",
        "sounds": [
      "thisisthenameofmysoundnumbertwo": {
        "sounds": [
  • "customsounds:<thenameofyoursound>" means it will go on customsounds/sounds/<thenameofyoursound.ogg>

  • So, it would like this:

          - assets
              - minecraft
              - customsounds
                  - sounds.json
                  - sounds
                              - <thenameofyoursoundone>.ogg
                              - <thenameofyoursoundtwo>.ogg
          - pack.mcmeta
          - pack.png

And that's it, put on your texture pack and you will be able to play the sound running:

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