List of the Activators

  • CUSTOM_TRIGGER: It can be executed by running a command, or it can be scheduled.

  • CROP_GROW : Activates when Executable Block is a crop and it grows.

  • CROP_PLACE_BLOCK : Activates when Executable Block is a crop that places block.

  • DESTROYED_BY_LIQUID: Activates when the Executable Block is destroyed by liquid.

  • DESTROYED_BY_PISTON: Activates when the Executable Block is destroyed by a piston.

  • ENTITY_WALK_ON : Activates when an entity walks on the Executable Block.

  • EXPLOSION_HIT : Activates when the Executable block is affected by an explosion.

  • LOOP : Activates in repeat as long as the block is placed.

  • PLAYER_ALL_CLICK_ON : Activates when a player clicks on the Executable Block.

  • PLAYER_BREAK : Activates when a player breaks the Executable Block.

  • PLAYER_BREAK_BLOCK_ABOVE_THE_EB: Activates when the block above the eb is broken by a player.

  • PLAYER_BREAK_BLOCK_UNDER_THE_EB : Activates when a player breaks a block under the ExecutableBlock.

  • PLAYER_DEATH_ON : Activates when a player dies on that Executable Block.

  • PLAYER_EAT_ON : Activates when a player eats while in an Executable Block.

  • PLAYER_FALL_ON : Activates when a player falls on the Executable Block. (must take fall damage to count)

  • PLAYER_JUMP_ON : Activates when a player jumps on the Executable Block.

  • PLAYER_LEFT_CLICK_ON : Activates when a player left clicks on the Executable Block.

  • PLAYER_PLACE : Activates when a player places the Executable Block.

  • PLAYER_PRESS_PLATE : (Executable Block must be a pressure plate) Activates when a player steps on the Executable Block Pressure Plate.

  • PLAYER_RIGHT_CLICK_ON : Activates when a player right clicks on the Executable Block.

  • PLAYER_SCROLL_DOWN_BY_TARGETTING_THE_EB : Activates when the player is looking at the eb and scrolls down

  • PLAYER_SCROLL_UP_BY_TARGETTING_THE_EB : Activates when the player is looking at the eb and scrolls up

  • PLAYER_SNEAK_ON : Activates when a player "sneak" on the Executable Block.

  • PLAYER_SPRINT_ON : Activates when a player sprint on the Executable Block.

  • PLAYER_WALK_ON : Activates when a player walks on the Executable Block.

  • PROJECTILE_HIT : Activates when a projectile hit the Executable Block.

  • REDSTONE_SIGNAL_ENABLE: Activates when the EB is a block that can receive power (redstone tripwire, trapdoor, button, lever, etc) and receives signal.

  • REDSTONE_SIGNAL_DISABLE: Activates when the EB is a block that can create / store power (redstone tripwire, trapdoor, button, lever, etc) and stop receiving signal.

  • BLOCK_DRY: Activates when corals or farmlands got dried.

  • BREAK_BLOCK_ABOVE_THE_EB: Activates when the block above the eb is broken


  • Description: Activates when Executable Block is a crop and it grows.


  • Description: Activates when Executable Block is a crop that places block


  • Description: Activates when an entity walks on the Executable Block


  • Description: Activates when the Executable block is affected by an explosion.


  • Description: Activates in repeat as long as the block is placed.


  • Description: Activates when a player clicks on the Executable Block.


  • Description: Activates when a player breaks the Executable Block.


  • Description: Activates when a player dies on that Executable Block.


  • Description: Activates when a player eats while in an Executable Block.


  • Description: Activates when a player falls on the Executable Block.

The player must take fall damage to count


  • Description: Activates when a player jumps on the Executable Block.


  • Description: Activates when a player left clicks on the Executable Block.


  • Description: Activates when a player places the Executable Block.


  • Description: Activates when a player steps on the Executable Block Pressure Plate.

Executable Block must be a pressure plate


  • Description: Activates when a player right clicks on the Executable Block.


  • Description: Activates when a player "sneak" (shift) on the Executable Block.


  • Description: Activates when a player sprint on the Executable Block.


  • Description: Activates when a player walks on the Executable Block.


  • Description: Activates when a projectile hit the Executable Block.

Last updated