Player & Target Commands
You need to know that by default all commands are run by the console, so if you want that the player run the command add SUDO or SUDO_OP before.
(Click on SUDO or SUDO_OP for more infos)
Don't use this option for vanilla commands and CUSTOM COMMANDS, to use vanilla commands properly go to FAQ and "How to use vanilla commands",
"Multi-world" compatibility for the vanilla commands.
execute in <<NAME
YOUR_WORLD>> run ...
Example, you want summon a Zombie in the world SsomarWorld:
execute in <<SsomarWorld>> run summon zombie 100 50 100
Example with a placeholder:
execute in <<%player_world%>> run summon zombie 100 50 100
You want keep the brut HEX form in your command ? add the tag BRUT_HEX in your command. It works anywhere in the command line but it's recommended to put it in the first part of the cmd to make it less confusing
By default all commands aren't executed if the player is offline. (the commands will be executed at the connection of the player)
But you can add the tag [<OFFLINE>] in your commands to remove this restriction.
(Very useful for broadcast, boost, giveall commands, ...)
[<OFFLINE>] broadcast hello !
[<OFFLINE>] execute at %player% run setblock %block_x_int%+3 %block_y_int%-1 %block_z_int%-14 minecraft:air
You can use [<CLEAR_IF_DISCONNECT>] if you want to clear commands if the player disconnects
Mixed Commands
In addition of the following list of commands you can also use
These commands can be used in the Player related commands OR Entity related commands.
Custom commands
Sorted by alphabetical order
+++ (Command Connector)
Info: Allows you to add more commands in one command line. Should be used only when you use the custom command
<+> (Around Command Connector)
Info: Allows you to add more commands in one command line. Will only work well with
but also withALL_PLAYERS
<+::step1> (Around Command Connector when many AROUND, MOB_AROUND, NEAREST, MOB_NEAREST, ALL_PLAYERS, ALL_MOBS AND IF are nested)
Info: Gives absorption effect to the player
Command settings:
amount: amount of absorption half hearts. Supports negative values to remove.
time: time of the effect in ticks. Set it empty or "0" if want to be infinite.
Your MAX_ABSORPTION attribute value must be above 0 !
Check the value by typing : /attribute PLAYER_NAME minecraft:max_absorption base get
And you can increase it by typing: /attribute PLAYER_NAME minecraft:max_absorption base set 20
Info: Display the action bar with your text + the time remaining (59, 58, 57...).
ACTIONBAR {Your text} {delay}
Info: It adds an attribute to an item as sum or rest operation.
Command: settings
slot: The slot where it will be applied. -1 for mainhand
attribute: The attribute you want to add
value: The value for the operation
equipmentSlot: The slot where the attribute will be enabled
You can find the attributes here
And the slots here
Info: It adds an enchantment on an item on a specific slot with certain level
Command: settings
slot: The slot where it will be applied. -1 for mainhand
enchantment: The enchantment that you want to be applied, don't use spaces, use the minecraft enchantments not the display ones.
level: The level for the enchantment
You can find the enchantments here
Info: Adds a line of lore
Command settings
slot: The slot where it will be applied. -1 for mainhand
text: The text for the new lore line
Info: Targets players in a specific radius and makes them run commands
Command settings:
distance: To how far in radius the command will select players (Default 3)
displayMsgIfNoPlayer: (true or false) To notify the user of the item if it managed to target players or not (Default true)
throughBlocks: it will affect or not the players that are behind blocks (Default true)
safeDistance: If the distance between the target and the launcher are below or equals to the safeDistance value then the target will not be affected. (Default 0)
commands: The commands that will be executed for the target players, separate them with <+>
This summons lightning at players in a 20 block radius
This gives players slowness in a 10 block radius
Damages nearby visible players by 20 player damage in a 7 block radius
Send a message to players between 5 and 10 blocks
Many around in the same command
You can add conditions to AROUND command
The condition looks like AROUND <settings> CONDITIONS(<conditions>) <command>
Conditions works with placeholders but need to be %::_::% instead of %_%
For example %::player_health::%
To add MORE than 1 condition use "&&" between the conditions
(Mainly in blockCommands/entityCommands) where you want the owner of the block/projectile won't harm the user of the item (Requires PlaceholderAPI's Player Expansion)
Keep in mind that the CONDITIONS() part parses the placeholders in it with the player selected by the AROUND command. So what actually happened in the placeholders above is that it checks if the target's health is greater than 10 and if that player who got selected by the AROUND command is named "2Ssomar"
Placeholders that came from plugins like ExecutableItems, ExecutableBlocks will be parsed not by the player affected by the AROUND command.
For example, with ExecutableBlocks, CONDITIONS(%var_faction%=%::factionsuuid_faction_name::%) works through checking if the block's factions variable value is equal to the targetted player's faction Placeholder Source: (
Info: Puts the item in your main hand to your boots slot. (Will not work if the item has "Curse of Binding")
No command setting
Info: Creates a bossbar text for a certain duration time.
Command: settings
time: The duration of the bossbar in ticks
color: Color of bossbar text
text: text on the bossbar
Info: Disables pickup on a player for a set amount of time
Command: settings
time: The duration in ticks of how long till the player can pickup items again
material: If set the player cant pickup only the material specified, if null he can't pickup everything
The only way to RESET this command after setting a time in ticks is reloading or restarting the server. If would like a way to reset this suggest it in the #suggestions channel on Discord.
Info: Send a message from the player to the chat
Command settings
text: Text to send
Info: Puts the item in your main hand to your chestplate slot. (Will not work if the item has "Curse of Binding")
No command setting
Info: It closes the inventory to the player
No command setting
Info: It boost the growth of the crops around you
Command settings:
radius: The radius of the boost (Default 5)
delay: The delay in ticks between each growth boost
duration: The duration in ticks of the total boost
chance: The chance of growth the blocks have when the boost is applied
The following command will generate 20 growth boost every 10 ticks. All blocks within the radius will have 50% chance to growth when a boost is applied.
Info: Deny the usage of the fly for a player (Gliding in Elytra is not considered as flying)
Command settings
time: The duration in seconds of the effect
Example: (The command below disable the activation of the fly during 1 minute)
Info: Deny the use of elytra for a period of time
Command settings:
time: The duration in seconds of the effect
Example: (the command below disable the use of elytra for 20 secs)
Info: It applys a cooldown to a specific ExecutableItems
Command: EICOOLDOWN {PLAYER} {ID} {SECONDS} {boolean TICKS} [optional activator id]
{PLAYER}: The player to target the command
{ID}: The id of the ExecutableItem
{Seconds}: The amount of time
{boolean TICKS}: If you want the time to be in ticks
[optional activator id]: You can apply it to a specific activator id
Info: It applys a cooldown to a specific ExecutableBlocks
Command: EBCOOLDOWN {PLAYER} {ID} {SECONDS} {boolean TICKS} [optional activator id]
{PLAYER}: The player to target the command
{ID}: The id of the ExecutableItem
{Seconds}: The amount of time
{boolean TICKS}: If you want the time to be in ticks
[optional activator id]: You can apply it to a specific activator id
Info: It applys a cooldown to a specific ExecutableItems
Command: EECOOLDOWN {PLAYER} {ID} {SECONDS} {boolean TICKS} {optional activator}
{PLAYER}: The player to target the command
{ID}: The id of the ExecutableItem
{Seconds}: The amount of time
{boolean TICKS}: If you want the time to be in ticks
[optional activator id]: You can apply it to a specific activator id
Info: Gives the player creative flight
No command setting
Info: Disables creative flight on the player and if the player's flight get's disabled midair, the player will be teleported on the possible block under the player.
Command settings:
teleportOnTheGround: (true or false) Whether the player would get teleported to the ground or not (Default true)
Info: It drops all the EI in your inventory with the id specified
Command settings
ei_id: Specify the EI that you want to be force dropped by the player
Info: It formats all enchantments in your lore
It supports -1 as slot to target the mainhand
Info: It stops the gravity for the player, stopping the player to "fall" down or going up.
No command settings
Info: It enable again the gravity for the player, so the player will fall normally.
No command setting
Info: Puts the item in your main hand to your head slot. (Will not work if the item has "Curse of Binding")
No command setting
It supports "Jobs reborn"
Info: Increases the money gained temporarily
Command settings
multiplier: Multiplier value
time: Duration in seconds of the boost in seconds
Info: Launches a custom projectile. Reference
Command settings
projectile: the type of the projectile or the custom projectile ID from SCore ( Reference )
angleRotationVertical: (only for 1.14 and +) (not necessary) (default = 0) (in degrees) Define the direction where the entity will be launched
angleRotationHorizontal: (only for 1.14 and +) (not necessary) (default = 0) (in degrees) Define the direction where the entity will be launched
velocity: To customize the velocity of the projectile
Example multiple shoots:
If you use the LAUNCH COMMAND in the activator PLAYER_LAUNCH_PROJECTILE, and the projectile has been launched by a bow, the projectile launch with the custom LAUNCH command will keep the same velocity.
Info: Puts the item in your main hand to your leggings slot. (Will not work if the item has "Curse of Binding")
No command setting
Info: Launches a projectile at a specific location
Command: settings:
projectileType: the type of the projectile or the custom projectile ID from SCore ( Reference )
frontValue: positive=front , negative=back - Front/Back Position. For example, if you want to spawn the projectile 5 blocks far from where you're facing, use a higher positive value
rightValue: right=positive, negative=left - Right/Left Position. For example, if you want the projectile to spawn to your left, use a higher negative value
yValue: To how high up from your Y position will the projectile will spawn.
velocity: To how fast will the projectile fly. Set the value to 0 for the projectile to fall downwards upon spawning the projectile.
angleRotationVertical: (Optional) you can add a vetical rotation for your projectile (in degrees)
angleRotationHorizontal: (Optional) you can add a horizontal rotation for your projectile (in degrees)
Info: It boost you when riding a minecart (Effect close to when you go up of a powered rail)
Command settings:
boost: The boost speed
Info: it mixes the hotbar of the player
No command setting
Info: Targets entities in a specific radius and makes them run commands
Available entities ->
Command settings:
distance: To how far in radius the command will select entities
displayMsgIfNoEntity: (true or false) To notify the user of the item if it didn't manage to target any mobs.
Set to true to hide the message
throughBlocks: it will affect or not the mobs that are behind blocks
safeDistance: If the distance between the target and the launcher are below or equals to the safeDistance value then the target will not be affected.
You can BLACKLIST or WHITELIST entities adding one of these ones in anyplace of the command:
To use entity nbt on the WHITELIST/BLACKLIST field, you need to install NBT API plugin
It supports NBT Tags so you can add for example something like: ZOMBIE{IsBaby:1}
Modifies the durability of a specific item in a specific slot
Command settings:
modification: Positive value to increase the durability. Negative value to decrease the durability
slot: The slot number of the item (-1 for the held slot)
supportUnbreaking: (true or false) If it supports the unbreaking enchantment or not
Info: It opens a chest in the selected location
Command: OPENCHEST {world} {x} {y} {z} [bypassProtections]
{bypassProtections}: If it will open the chest anyways even if its protected
It supports barrels
Info: It opens the ender chest for the player that runs the activator
No command setting
Info: It opens a workbench for the player that runs the activator
No command setting
Info: It gives oxygen to the target
Command settings:
time: The duration in ticks of oxygen you want to give
Info: Similar to CUSTOMDASH1 but the xyz will be replaced with the xyz coords of the nearest projectile from you.
Command settings:
fallDamage: Whether you will get fall damage or not (If you forgot to set whether it's true or false, the default will be false. To get fall damage, set this to true)
Info: Gives you a specific amount of food/saturation
Command settings:
amount: The amount of saturation points you want to gain. Use negative values to reduce hunger points
Info: Gives the player specific values of a specific magic
Command settings:
ecoSkillsMagicID: The ID of the Ecoskills's magic.
amount: The amount to get.
It supports negative values.
Info: Gives you a specific amount of saturation
Command settings:
amount: The amount of saturation you can to give
Info: Remove an enchantment from a slot
Command settings:
slot: Slot to remove the enchantment from
enchantment: Enchantment to remove (ALL for every enchantment)
Info: Remove a lore line
Command settings:
{slot}: Slot to remove the lore from
{line}: The line that you want to remove
Info: Replaces the block the player is looking at into a different one
Command settings
{material}: Block ID (Block states are supported)
Info: Sends you a blank message
No command setting
Info: Sends you a message
Command settings:
message: the message you want to send
You can use minimessages color codes, like using gradient and stuff from this site: You can only use one type of formatting at once in the same SENDMESSAGE command, either the classic color codes format or minimessage format.
Info: Sends you a message centered in the chat
Command settings:
message: the message you want to send
You can use minimessages color codes, like using gradient and stuff from this site: You can only use one type of formatting at once in the same SENDMESSAGE command, either the classic color codes format or minimessage format.
Info: Set the specific armor trim with the specific pattern for the specified slot
Command settings:
slot: The slot to apply the command (slot -1 for main hand)
pattern: The pattern of the trim (if 'null' or 'remove' it will remove the current pattern)
patternMaterial: The material of the pattern
You can find all trim pattern here:
You can find all trim material here:
Info: Place a block on the block targeted by the player
Command settings:
blockface: You can specify or not a blockFace to force the placement above for example
material: Block ID (Block states are supported)
bypassProtection: Whether or not it will place the block even if the player doesnt have the permission
You can find all blockface here:
Info: Set a block in a specific position
Command: SETBLOCKPOS {x} {y} {z} {material} [bypassProtection true-false] [replace true or false]
Info: Setblock but for Executable Blocks. (EXECUTABLE BLOCKS MUST BE INSTALLED)
Command settings:
id: ID of the executable block you are trying to place down
x: X-Coordinate
y: Y-Coordinate
z: Z-Coordinate
world: Name of the world
replace: true or false. Whether it will replace the existing block in the said coordinates or not
bypassProtection: if you want bypass the protections like worldguard (default false)
ownerUUID: (Optional) The uuid of the supposed owner of the executable block
Info: Sets a custom name for your item in a specific slot
Command settings:
slot: The slot where it will be applied. -1 for mainhand
name: the new name of the item
Info: Sets a specific color for the item (item colorables as leather armor)
Command settings:
slot: The slot where it will be applied. -1 for mainhand
color: number value of the color
Use the website: for the leather color
Info: It sets an attribute to an item.
Command settings:
slot: The slot where it will be applied. -1 for mainhand
attribute: The attribute you want to add
value: The value for the operation
equipmentSlot: The slot for the attribute
You can find the attributes here
Info: Sets a specific custom model data to the specific item
Command settings:
slot: The slot where it will be applied. -1 for mainhand
customModelData: value of the customModelData
Gives the player/target cooldown on an item
Command settings:
material or group: The type of material or the group
cooldown:: cooldown in seconds
more info for the group arg:
Only works at 1.20.5 and above
Replaces the material of the item with a different material while keeping the nbt of the target item
Commands settings:
slot: Slot number (-1 for mainhand)
material: The material you want the item to become into
Info: Sets a line of lore
Command settings:
slot: Slot number (-1 for mainhand)
line : If you want to set the lore of the first type 1
text: The new line text
Info : Set a temporary block
Command settings
x: X-Coordinate
y: Y-Coordinate
z: Z-Coordinate
world: Name of the world
material: Block ID
time: Time in ticks
bypassProtection: (true or false) Whether to ignore 3rd party intervention or not
whitelistCurrentBlock: List of blocks to watch out for
It doesn't replace blocks that have extra datas (inventory, rotation, etc)
Info: Spawn entities on your cursor
Command settings:
entity: Mob ID (ALL CAPS)
amount: The amount of mobs that will spawn in that spot
maxRange: The max range of the spawn (Default 200)
Info: Forces you to run a command
Command: SUDO (command)
Info: Gives the player OP, SUDOs the player and DEOPs it
Extra Info: During the OP, the player can only run the specified command after the SUDOOP, all other commands are blocked when the player is OP, and if the server crashes, no problem. The player will be DEOPed when the player reconnects.
Command: SUDO_OP (command)
It is not recommended to use this a lot. As it is explained on the top of this page, if want to run vanilla commands use the execute command (Explained on the FAQ "How to use vanilla commands").
If have another way to achieve what you want use it.
And if you have no other way but using SUDOOP, then use this command. This shouldn't be your first option.
Info: Swaps the current item with your offhand item
No command setting
Info: Swaps 2 items in the inventory by slot
Command: TRANSFER_ITEM {slot of launcher} {slot of receiver} [boolean drop]
{slot of launcher}: Target slot for slot no.1
{slot of receiver}: Target slot for slot no.2
[boolean drop]: (default = false) Whether {slot of launcher} gets dropped during the swap or not
Info: Boost the xp gain for a time.
Command: XPBOOST {multiplier} {timeinsecs}
Be careful ! This command can get stacked, so if you run this command multiple times you will get more and more multipliers if the time between them is not enough for the last boost to disappear. XPBOOST 2 5 DELAY 1 XPBOOST 2 5 This means the XP will be boosted in this order: 1 second: x2 4 seconds: x4 1 second: x2
Mixed Commands
In addition of the following list of commands you can also use:
These commands can be used in the Player related commands OR Entity related commands.
Last updated