Informal Guides
Page dedicated for quickly writing guides on how to do something. (Mostly me, Special70 being lazy to make a dedicated page)
Check conditions on randomly picked target
1) create a SCore projectile
- for this guide, we'll give it an id of "tracker"
- give it a name for it to be used in placeholder conditions to make PLAYER_CUSTOM_LAUNCH not activate in unwanted manners. for this guide, we'll give it a display name of "tracker"
- set gravity to false and enable invisibility (requires protocol lib plugin) and set velocity to 0
2) create the ei item
3) create any activator of your choice to run the ability
- run "LOCATED_LAUNCH tracker 0 0 0 0 0 0"
4) create a PLAYER_CUSTOM_LAUNCH activator
- create a placeholder condition
- part1: %projectile_name%
- comparator: EQUALS
- part2: tracker
- add the commands:
- execute at %player% run execute at @r[distance=..10,limit=1] run tp %projectile_uuid% ~ ~ ~
- AROUND 1 CONDITIONS(%::player_name::%!=%player%&&%::worldguard_region_name::%!=spawn) execute at %around_target% as %player% run tp %player% ~ ~ ~
observe the conditions written in the CONDITIONS() part. It contains criterias of
- if the around target is not the user to prevent the user being selected just in case no player is detected in radius
- if the target is not in the "spawn" region
Run commands after sneaking for 5 seconds
1) Create a SCore variable
- score variables-create sneakCount
- set the FOR to PLAYER
- set the TYPE to NUMBER
- set the default value to -1
2) Create the ei item
3) Create a PLAYER_ENABLE_SNEAK activator
- add the commands:
- score variables set player sneakCount 0 %player%
- WHILE %score_variables_sneakCount%<5 20 score variables modification player sneakCount 1 %player% <+> IF %score_variables_sneakCount%=5 say run-command-here
replace "say run-command-here" with whatever you want to run
Give players an item ONCE
1) Create a SCore variable
- score variables-create system-hasGivenPlayersEI-catalyst
- set the FOR to PLAYER
- set the TYPE to NUMBER
- set the default value to 0
2) create the ei item
3) install ExecutableEvents plugin (free)
4) create an event file
5) use PLAYER_CONNECTION activator
- create a placeholder condition
- part1: %score_variables_system-hasGivenPlayersEI-catalyst%
- comparator: EQUALS
- part2: 0
6) add the ei give command in that activator
7) add "score variables set player system-hasGivenPlayersEI-catalyst 1 %player%"
Make a loop activator run commands once it has executed x amount of times
For this guide, it will run commands after looping 30 times.
1) Download PlaceholderAPI plugin
- /papi ecloud download Math
- /papi reload
2) create the ei item
3) create a number item variable
- variable name = timer
- type = NUMBER
- default = 0
4) create a LOOP activator
- detailed slots : all slots enabled
- add commands:
- Ex: "IF %var_timer%=30 minecraft:give %player% diamond 1"
- edit variable modification option
- create a new variable modification option
- variable name = timer
- type = SET
- modification : '%math_IF((%var_timer%)<30, (%var_timer%)+1, 1)%'
Last updated