Block Conditions
For conditions that require numerical values, you can assign 2 conditions.
Example: "I want to create a condition that only activates if the value is greater than 50 but less than 250"
So what you would type in the config will be 50 < CONDITION < 250
If a condition fails to be met, you can enable cancelEvent so if a specific condition isn't completed, cancelEvent will run. You can also customize the error message !
You can also run commands if the condition has failed to execute!
ifContainerEmpty - Not
Description: Check if the block contains items or not.
Description: Check if the block contains material(s)
Description: Check if the block contains EI(s)
ifIsPowered - Not
Description: Checks if the target block is (or must not be) powered by a redstone signal
Example Situations:
If the block you are clicking at is a lit redstone lamp, the activator will activate
Required: NO (Default: false)
ifMustBeNatural - ifMustBeNotNatural
Description: Checks if the target block is a natural block (so not a placed block) (CORE PROTECT MUST BE INSTALLED)
Don't use that in an activator very frenquetly used because it will require a lot of performances
Example Situations:
If the block you are clicking is/isn't natural, the activator will activate
Required: NO (Default: false)
Description: Checks if the target block has a player on top of it
Example Situations:
If the block you are clicking has a player on top of it, the activator activates
Required: NO (Default: false)
Description: Checks if the target block has no player on top of it
Example Situations:
If the block you are clicking has a player on top of it, the activator doesn't activate
Required: NO (Default: false)
ifPlantFullyGrown - ifPlantNotFullyGrown
Description: Checks if the target block is a fully grown plant.
Example Situations:
If the wheat crop is fully grown, the activator will activate.
Required: NO (Default: false)
Description: Checks the target block age (crops)
ifBlockLocationX - Y -Z
Description: Checks the target block location X / Y / Z
It checks the usage of the clicked ExecutableBlock, if the usage is valid, the activator will work, otherwise an error message is displayed.
Required: NO
Description: Checks if the clicked container has items that can be sold
Block Around Conditions
Description: Checks the blocks around the clicked block:
Q: What exactly is going on in placeholder conditions? A: The placeholder %var_x% is being parsed according to the block in that position. Meaning, you can use this method to assign a specific number to insane amount of unique EBs without writing each id that may change overtime in blockTypeMustBe
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