⛏️ Blocks Hardnesses

Requires Protocol Lib

With Score you can edit the hardness of a block, related to global hardness or by specific vanilla items, or by specific EI(S) and only work on specific EB(s).


  • /score hardnesses

    • It opens the GUI of hardnesses

  • /score hardnesses-create <id>

    • You can create a new hardnesses file

  • /score hardnesses-delete <id>

    • You can delete a file


  • With STICK a player will take 3 seconds to break the OBSIDIAN.

  • With DIAMOND_PICKAXE a player will take 10 seconds to break the SAND.

  • With "thisismytorch" (a custom EI) a player will take 10 seconds to break the SAND, A CUSTOM EB, or DIRT.

In the detailed blocks feature where you specify the block you can choose :

  • A vanilla material like DIRT

  • An ExecutableBlock with EXECUTABLEBLOCKS:MyEBID

  • A Block form ItemsAdder with ITEMSADDER:MyBlock

In the detailed items features where you specify the item to break the block you can choose :

  • A vanilla material like STICK

  • An ExecutableItem with EXECUTABLEITEMS:MyEIID

  • An item from ItemsAdder with ITEMSADDER:MyItem

Last updated