Deal % of entity HP

  • To deal % of entity HP you first need to get the entity HP

    • %entity_health%

  • Now to get a percentage of that health you have to multiply its number by a number between 1 and 0, where 1 is 100% of the entity health and 0 0% of the entity health. For example:

    • Let's say the entity health is 100 life

      • %math_(%entity_health%)*0.05%

        • This will get 100*0.05 => 5. That means, dealing 5 of damage

      • %math_(%entity_health%)*0.3%

        • This will get 100*0.3 => 30. That means, dealing 30 of damage

    • If the entity health is 50 life

      • %math_(%entity_health%)*0.05%

        • This will get 50*0.05 => 2.5. That means, dealing 2.5 of damage

      • %math_(%entity_health%)*0.3%

        • This will get 50*0.3 => 15. That means, dealing 15of damage

As you can see the damage changes depending on the entity health, what is normal, but if you would like to apply damage corresponding a certain % of the MAX hp, just use %entity_max_health%

  • That's it, just use math placeholder and combine it with entity health, use this placeholder on DAMAGE command, like:

    • DAMAGE %math_(%entity_health%)*0.05%

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