- SENDMESSAGE 'THE SKILL WILL TRIGGER, DON'T MOVE'- DELAY 10#All your ability here, fium fium, explosions, damage, etc- PUUUM- FIUUUUM- PAAAAM
You would like if the player MOVES the commands delayed (DELAY 10) won't triggered, but, that doesn't work like that, if the activator has activated, the commands can't be canceled, so, you have to figure out different ways to avoid this.
In case of DON'T MOVE
We will explain the idea, just develop it depending on the purposes you have.
Create a variable called TIMER#this will replace the DELAY 10 command#Let's create the activator that will cast the skillActivator:RIGHT CLICK ACTIVATORplaceholderCondition:timer = 0 (you have to do this using placeholders %var_timer%and PLAYER_NUMBER)variableModification:(SET) TIMER -> 10commands:SENDMESSAGE 'ABILITY CASTED, DON'T MOVE'#Now, the activator that will reduce the timer by 1 each second, simulating DELAY 10Activator:LOOP ACTIVATORplaceholderCondition:timer > 0variableModification:(MODIFICATION) TIMER -> -1Commands:SENDMESSAGE Seconds left %var_timer_int%#Now, the activator that will CANCEL THE ABILITY (in this case we want to cancel it#when the player MOVES, so the activator is PLAYER_WALKActivator:PLAYER_WALK ACTIVATORplaceholderCondition:timer > 0variableModification:(SET) TIMER -> 0commands:SENDMESSAGE ABILITY CANCELED#Now, if the player DIDN'T MOVE, the EPIC ABILITY WILL BE EXECUTED, here we will add#all that stuffActivator:LOOP ACTIVATORplaceholderCondition:timer = 1variableModification:(SET) TIMER = 0commands:- FIUM FIUM- PUUUM- effect give %player% regeneration 10 10- PARTICLEES
That's it, we hope you understood, if have any question feel free to ask in the Discord 🥳