
All numerical placeholders can be incremented or decremented.

  • Example : %amount%+6 (Increase)

    • %amount% = 15

    • %amount% + 6 =

    • (15) + 6 = 21

  • Example : %amount%-8 (Decrease)

    • %amount% = 14

    • %amount% - 8 =

    • (14) - 8 = 6

But you can also you the math placeholders of PlaceholderAPI

  • EI placeholders are parsed first before PlaceholderAPI placeholders are parsed.

  • Examples of using an EI placeholder inside of a math placeholder

    • %math_0_(%usage%)*10%

  • EI placeholders are pre-parsed and any placeholders that are not ei are parsed upon command activation so you can use ei placeholders for xyz coordinates and not worry about change in values

Miscellaneous Placeholders

%rand:MIN_VALUE|MAX_VALUE% : Randomizer value

  • Example : %rand:10|100% - Generates a number between 10-100

  • Supports negative value | MIN_VALUE must be < than MAX_VALUE

Even if there are multiple %rand:MIN_VALUE|MAX_VALUE% placeholders in a command line, it would still give the same number so if you want a rng placeholder that would give different answers for every of its placeholder that exists in the command line, use PlaceholderAPI's RNG Expansion

%timestamp% -> gets the current time

%score_cooldown_{plugin}:{object_id}:{activator_id}% -> gets the cooldown, it works for all plugins. Examples:

  • %score_cooldown_EI:Free_Lotery:activator1%

  • %score_cooldown_EI:cybert1:activator6_int%

Item placeholders



The name of the ExecutableItems


Returns the id of the ExecutableItem used to run the activator


The max usage that the item has (CAN BE USED IN LORE)


The max usage that the item can have (CAN BE USED IN LORE)


Display the usage in roman numerals (11 -> XI)


The max use per day that the item has.


The max use per day for the activator.


The amount of ExecutableItems that the player has in his current selected slot. Also tells the amount of EI you dropped when triggering the PLAYER_DROP_THE_EI activator


amount = The amount of bars the usage bar will have color1 = The color that represents how much usage the item has (The light purple) color2 = The color that represents the dark purple symbol = The symbol that will be used on the custom usage bar Requirements: - The item must have the usage and the usage limit different than -1

Player placeholders



Name of the player. Can be used to display the owner of the item in the item's lore


UUID of the player (%player_uuid_array% for its 4-array integer form. Ex: [I;-1288600659,-373273272,-1897203511,898446696])


Name of the world (%player_world_lower% for lowercase)


X-Coordinates of the player (Decimal) >> For an integer use %player_x_int%


Y-Coordinates of the player (Decimal) >> For an integer use %player_y_int%


Z-Coordinates of the player (Decimal) >> For an integer use %player_z_int%


The slot used to active the activator


The current held slot


The pitch of the player >> For an integer %player_pitch_int%


The pitch of the player but always positive >> For an integer %player_pitch_positive_int%


The yaw of the player >> For an integer %player_yaw_int%


The yaw of the player but always positive >> For an integer %player_yaw_positive_int%


Direction of where the player is facing (ex: N, SW, NE)

%last_damage_taken% %last_damage_taken_int%

The last damage taken by the player

%last_damage_dealt% %last_damage_dealt_int%

The last damage dealt by the player


The team of the player if the player has one


Gets the current cooldown for a player's attack. This is used to calculate damage, with 1.0 representing a fully charged attack and 0.0 representing a non-charged attack (1.16+ only) This placeholder gets reset after a DAMAGE command, so if you want to debug it, display the value before a DAMAGE command.

Target player placeholders

(The activator must have a target player)

Its the same placeholders that the PLAYER PLACEHOLDERS above, just replace "player" by "target".




%target_last_damage_taken% %target_last_damage_taken_int%

The last damage taken by the target

Entity placeholders

(The activator must have an entity)

  • in EI / EB it's always these placeholders for entity.

  • in EE it's quite different, since we can have an entity as a main actor of the event but also as target. So use these placeholders below when the entity is the main actor of the event. And Look the part Target entity placeholders when the entity is the target.



Type of the entity


Type of the entity in lower case


Name of the entity (lower case: %entity_name_lower_case%)


UUID of the entity (%entity_uuid_array% for its 4-array integer form. Ex: [I;-1288600659,-373273272,-1897203511,898446696])


X-Coordinates of the entity (Decimal) >> For an integer use %entity_x_int%


Y-Coordinates of the entity (Decimal) >> For an integer use %entityt_y_int%


Z-Coordinates of the entityr (Decimal) >> For an integer use %entity_z_int%


Direction of where the entity is facing (ex: N, SW, NE)


The pitch of the entity>> For an integer %entity_pitch_int%


The pitch of the entity but always positive >> For an integer %entity_pitch_positive_int%


The yaw of the entity >> For an integer %entity_yaw_int%


The yaw of the entity but always positive >> For an integer %entity_yaw_positive%


The health of the entity (Decimal)


The max health of the entity (Decimal)


Name of the world (%entity_world_lower% for lowercase)


The team of the entity if the entity has one


Returns the material of this item. (items not entities)

%entity_last_damage_taken% %entity_last_damage_taken_int%

It returns the last damage taken by the entity

Target entity placeholders

(The activator must have a target entity)

Its the same placeholders that the ENTITY PLACEHOLDERS above, just replace "entity" by "target".

Example: %target_x%

Block placeholders

(The activator must have a block)

  • in EI / EB it's always these placeholders for entity.

  • in EE it's quite different, since we can have a block as a main actor of the event but also as target. So use these placeholders below when the block is the main actor of the event. And Look the part Target block placeholders when the block is the target.



Type of the block when the activator has been activated (In caps)


Type of the block when the activator has been activated (In lower case)


Current type of the block (In caps)


Return the item material of the block for example the block CARROTS return CARROT, for lower cases use %block_item_material_lower%


Current type of the block (In lower case)


X-Coordinates of the block (USE %block_x_int% to get the block coordinates without decimals)


Y-Coordinates of the block (USE %block_y_int% to get the block coordinates without decimals)


Z-Coordinates of the block (USE %block_z_int% to get the block coordinates without decimals)


Returns the face of the selected block.


Returns the data of the block


The name of the world where the block is located (%block_world_lower% for lower)


The name of the biome where the block is located

List of all biomes here

(%block_biome_lower% for lower)


The type of world (nether, custom, normal, end)


Returns the type of mob in spawner or "null"


Returns if the block is ageable or not

Target block placeholders

(The activator must have a target block)

Its the same placeholders that the BLOCK PLACEHOLDERS above, just replace "block" by "target_block".

Example: %target_block_x%

Projectile placeholders

(The activator must have a projectile)



X-Coordinates of the projectile (Decimal) (%projectile_x_int% for no decimals)


Y-Coordinates of the projectile (Decimal) (%projectile_y_int% for no decimals)


Z-Coordinates of the projectile (Decimal) (%projectile_z_int% for no decimals)


The type of projectile but at all caps


The type of projectile but at all lowercase


Name of the projectile (More specifically, it will display what's written in your custom projectile's customName option)


Name of the projectile but at all lowercase (More specifically, it will display what's written in your custom projectile's customName option)


UUID of the projectile (%projectile_uuid_array% for its 4-array integer form. Ex: [I;-1288600659,-373273272,-1897203511,898446696])


World name of the projectile (%projectile_world_lower% for lower)


If the projectile has been launched with a bow, you can use this placeholder to obtain the force that the player used to shot his projectile. (Between 0 and 1)

Owner Placeholders

(Will work only if an owner is set for the block / item)

Its the same placeholders that the PLAYER PLACEHOLDERS above, just replace "player" by "owner".

Example: %owner_health%

AROUND & NEAREST placeholders

(Placeholders to use in the custom commands AROUND)

Its the same placeholders that the PLAYER PLACEHOLDERS above, just replace "player" by "around_target".

Example: %around_target_direction%


(Placeholders to use in the custom commands MOB_AROUND)

Its the same placeholders that the ENTITY PLACEHOLDERS above, just replace "entity" by "around_target".

Example: %around_target_health%

Example: %around_target_uuid%

Example: %around_target_x%


Here you can take a look at the internal item/block variable types and their placeholders. This type of variables are not the same as "score variables", these variables are independent for each item/block, and score variables are variables not linked to an item or a block.

Variable Placeholders - Internal item/block

(Placeholders that you can use if you have a variable)

Example if your variable is named: X



Value of the variable X


Value of the variable X cast in an Integer


Value of the variable X in roman numbers

List Variable Placeholders - Internal item/block



Returns the list with the brackets and commas



Returns how many elements/values that list variable contains



Returns true/false if the mentioned value is present in the list

%var_testVar_contains_Maximo% %var_testVar_contains_%player%% %var_testVar_contains_%checkitem_mat:stone%% %var_testVar_contains_%var_bomberZ%%

Score variables

Take a look here:

🧮 Score Variables




Count all EI amount in the inventory


Count all EI amount in the inventory at the slots 0,2,3,4


Count all EI that are "item1" or "item2" amount in the inv at the slot 0,2,3,4




Count all EB amount in the inventory


Count all EB amount in the inventory at the slots 0,2,3,4


Count all EB that are "item1" or "item2" amount in the inv at the slot 0,2,3,4



  • For this activator you will be able to use the arguments provided by the user in your EI Command or as placeholders conditions, for example:

Command: modify

  • Input by player:

    • /modify 5

  • We can take that "5" using the %arg1% argument

  • If the player would write /modify diamond_sword 10 true

  • The inputs would be the next

    • %arg0% = modify

    • %arg1% = diamond_sword

    • %arg2% = 10

    • %arg3% = true

  • If you want to get all the args the player wrote use %all_args%

  • Or all the args without the first one (useful for commands) %all_args_without_first%


  • For this command you can get the boost given by the custom player command DAMAGE_BOOST {modification in percentage example 100} {timeinticks}

    • %score_cmd-damage-boost%


  • For this command you can get the boost given by the custom player command DAMAGE_RESISTANCE {modification in percentage example 100} {timeinticks}

    • %score_cmd-damage-resistance%


  • You can get the cooldown in seconds like that with %score_cooldown_{plugin}:{object_id}:{activator_id}%

Example: %score_cooldown_EI:Free_Lotery:activator1%

It returns the cooldown of the activator1 of the EI Free_Lotery. It works with EE, EB, EI, EL cooldowns.


  • You can get the glow color with %score_cmd-glow% using it on the plugin TAB


Placeholders for activators RECEIVE_EFFECT (in EI and EE)


They return the minecraft effect name instead of the spigot name

Last updated