⌨️Commands & Permissions


TIP for beginners:

To give the permissions of all furniture, I advice you to download a permission plugin like Luckperms, Once you have a perm plugin you just need to give the permission mf.furniture.*, for Luckperm the command is /lp group default permission set mf.furniture.* true

Block permission

  • Permission: mf.furniture.{id}

  • Negative permission: -mf.furniture.{id}

  • Example: mf.furniture.Test

  • Give all furniture permission: mf.furniture.*

Give all permissions of MF

  • Permission: mf.*

Give all commands permissions of MF

  • Permission: mf.cmds

Bypass cooldown permission

  • Permission: mf.nocd.{id} mf.nocd.*

  • Description: Give this custom permission to disable the cooldown for your vip players

  • (Be sure to test without being op)


Download the default furniture

  • Command: /mf download-defaukt-pack

  • Permission: eb.cmd.download-default-pack

Load the furniture from the textures pack that you placed in __textures__

  • Command: /mf pack

  • Permission: eb.cmd.pack

Open the editor / menu

  • Command: /mf editor or /mf show

  • Permission: mf.cmd.editor or mf.cmd.show

Open the editor to edit a specific MF

  • Command: /mf edit {FurnitureID}

  • Permission: mf.cmd.edit

Open the a gui with the MF(s) placed

  • command: /mf show-placed filter/sort:

Reload the plugin

  • Command: /mf reload

  • Permission: mf.cmd.reload

Reload the plugin (only 1 furniture)

  • Command: /mf reload {Furnitureid}

  • Permission: mf.cmd.reload

Reload a folder

  • Command: /mf reload folder:Name_Of_My_Folder

  • Permission: mf.cmd.reload

Delete a Furniture

  • Command: /mf delete {id}

  • Permission: mf.cmd.delete

Clear all cooldowns and delayed commands of MF

  • Command: /mf clear [playerName]

  • Permission: mf.cmd.clear

It supports entities too just use the entity UUID instead of player name

Enable / Disable actionbar of MF

  • Command: /mf actionbar {on or off}

  • Permission: mf.cmd.actionbar

Place an MF at a specific position

  • Command: /mf place {id} {x} {y} {z} {world}

  • Permission: mf.cmd.place

Remove an MF at a specific position

  • Command: /mf remove {x} {y} {z} {world} [replaceWithAir default true]

  • Permission: mf.cmd.remove

Fill a region selection with a MF

  • Requirement: This command require to have the plugin worldEdit

  • Command: /mf we-place {id}

  • Permission: mf.cmd.we-place

Fill a WorldGuard region with a MF

  • Requirement: This command require to have the plugin WorldGuard

  • Command: /mf wg-fill-region {world} {region_name} stone:70,MyMF:30

  • Permission: mf.cmd.wg-fill-region

Remove all MF present in a blocks selection

  • equirement: This command require to have the plugin worldEdit

  • Command: /mf we-remove {replaceTheEBByAir true or false}

  • Permission: mf.cmd.we-remove

MF variable modification

  • Command: /mf modification {set/modification} variable {world} {x} {y} {z} {variableName} {value}

MF usage modification

  • /mf modification {set/modification} usage {world} {x} {y} {z} {value}

Give & Take commands

Give command

  • (Works for offline players)

  • Command:

    • /mf give {playername} {id}{Variables:{var_id:val},Usage:val} {quantity} [giveOfflinePlayer default true]

  • Permission: mf.cmd.give

  • Examples:

    • Examples:

      • /mf give %player% Genesis_Crystal{Variables:{vibraniun:10,proton:30},Usage:10} 3

      • /mf give %player% SurgeBlade{Variables:{charge:%var_charge%+1},Usage:%usage%-1} 1

      • /mf give %player% BoneBlade 1

Take command

  • Command:

    • /mf take {playername} {id} {quantity}

  • Permission: mf.cmd.take

GiveAll command

  • Command:

    • /mf giveall {id} {quantity} [world]

  • Permission: mf.cmd.giveall

Give an EB in a specific slot of a player

  • Command:

    • /mf giveslot {playername} {id}{Variables:{var_id:val},Usage:val} {quantity} {slot} [override true or false]

    • Examples:

      • /mf giveslot Ssomar test{Variables:{x:"Hey",world:"Island"},Usage:50} 1 0

      • /mf giveslot Special70 rum{Usage:69420,Variables:{tell_me:"why",aint_nothing:"BUT A HEARTBREAK"}} 1 %slot%

      • /mf giveslot Ssomar xyz{Variables:{test:"Hello boss!"},Usage:5} 1 5

    • Default usage : The usage that is in the config of your Furniture

    • Override allow the Furniture to take that slot, and if there was an item there, it is going to move to another slot or get dropped to the ground.

  • Permission: mf.cmd.giveslot

Give every EB in a specific folder to a player

  • Command:

    • /mf givefolder {playername} {folder} {quantity}

Drop commands

Drop a furniture at a specific location / position

  • Command:

    • /mf drop {id} [quantity] [world] [x] [y] [z]

    • Default quantity : 1

    • Default location : The location of the player who has executed this command

  • Permission: mf.cmd.drop

Last updated