On / Off Switch

Special mention to Orange#0513 for the idea to revamp the method ever since variables were implemented


  • ExecutableItems Premium


First activator

Create a variable

  • A variable needs to be created so we can have an identifier if the switch is on/off

You click on this icon to open the variables editor
You basically just create a variable
For the id, there's nothing really specific. for this guide, we will label our variable as "x"
It doesn't really matter if it's a number or string
For this tutorial we will use the value of 0

Create your item, and add an activator

  • In this case it will be a PLAYER_ALL_CLICK


  • Type what commands you want to type

Variables Modification

First click this icon in the activator editor
Create a variable modification
Select the variable that we created earlier
Set the type of modification to SET
We will be setting the value other than 0 so the same activator can't run for the 2nd time

Placeholder Condition

  • This is needed to control what activator is going to run

PLAYER_STRING is an option too
We will use the placeholder for the variable we created. Use %var_x_int% if you still used PLAYER_STRING
We will use this comparator
We will use 0 value as the "off" option

Add the other item cooldown to the item itself

  • For example, the id of the ei item is onoff-demo. You would then have to go to this icon then follow the pictures.

For example, the id of the on/off switch is "faker", so select "faker".

Ever since 5.0 dropped, activator ids start from "activator0" instead of "activator1". Anyway, you would want to select the second activator as activators run from top to bottom.

This option is important because if there's no cooldown, it will ram through the the 2nd activator that's supposed to turn off the activator

Set the cooldown to 1 or 2. You decide

This is suggested to be set to true if you want the item to be spammable. One tick is enough to prevent the ramming mentioned above.

Second activator

  • We will use again PLAYER_ALL_CLICK


  • Type what commands you want to type

Variables Modification

First click this icon in the activator editor
Create a variable modificationng
Select the variable that we created earlier
Set the type of modification to SET
We will be setting the value other than 1 so the same activator can't run for the 2nd time

Placeholder Condition

  • This is needed to control what activator is going to run

PLAYER_STRING is an option too
We will use the placeholder for the variable we created. Use %var_x_int% if you still used PLAYER_STRING
We will use this comparator
We will use 1 value as the "on" option

Add the other item cooldown to the item itself

  • For example, the id of the ei item is onoff-demo. You would then have to go to this icon then follow the pictures.

For example, the id of the on/off switch is "faker", so select "faker".

Ever since 5.0 dropped, activator ids start from "activator0" instead of "activator1". Anyway, you would want to select the second activator as activators run from top to bottom.

This option is important because if there's no cooldown, it will ram through the the 2nd activator that's supposed to turn off the activator

Set the cooldown to 1 or 2. You decide

This is suggested to be set to true if you want the item to be spammable. One tick is enough to prevent the ramming mentioned above.

Save the EI Item

  • It should look like this (We added on commands to say ON (activator1) and OFF (activator2) to show you how it is working :p

Item config

name: '&e&lOn/Off Demo'
lore: []
material: LEVER
glow: true
disableStack: false
keepItemOnDeath: false
canBeUsedOnlyByTheOwner: false
storeItemInfo: false
unbreakable: false
usage: 1
usageLimit: -1
cancelEventIfNoPerm: false
cancelEventIfNotOwner: false
disabledWorlds: []
recognitions: []
config_5: true
config_update: true
  glowDrop: false
  glowDropColor: WHITE
  displayNameDrop: false
  hideEnchantments: false
  hideUnbreakable: false
  hideAttributes: false
  hidePotionEffects: false
  hideUsage: true
  hideDye: false
enchantments: {}
  giveFirstJoin: false
  giveFirstJoinAmount: 1
  giveFirstJoinSlot: 0
  cancel-item-place: false
    variableName: x
    type: NUMBER
    default: 0.0
attributes: {}
    name: '&eToggle-On'
    option: PLAYER_ALL_CLICK
    typeTarget: NO_TYPE_TARGET
    usageModification: 0
    cancelEvent: true
    silenceOutput: false
    autoUpdateItem: false
      cooldown: 0
      isCooldownInTicks: false
      cooldownMsg: '&cYou are in cooldown ! &7(&e%time_H%&6H &e%time_M%&6M &e%time_S%&6S&7)'
      displayCooldownMessage: false
      cancelEventIfInCooldown: false
      cooldown: 0
      isCooldownInTicks: false
      cooldownMsg: '&cYou are in cooldown ! &7(&e%time_H%&6H &e%time_M%&6M &e%time_S%&6S&7)'
      displayCooldownMessage: true
      cancelEventIfInCooldown: false
        executableItem: onoff-demo
        - activator1
        cooldown: 1
        isCooldownInTicks: true
      errorMessage: ''
      errorMessage: ''
    - -1
    - SENDMESSAGE Toggled On
    playerConditions: {}
    worldConditions: {}
    itemConditions: {}
    customConditions: {}
        type: PLAYER_NUMBER
        comparator: EQUALS
        part1: '%var_x%'
        part2: '0.0'
        cancelEventIfNotValid: true
        messageIfNotValid: '&e'
        variableName: x
        type: SET
        modification: 1.0
    name: '&eToggle-Off'
    option: PLAYER_ALL_CLICK
    typeTarget: NO_TYPE_TARGET
    usageModification: 0
    cancelEvent: true
    silenceOutput: false
    autoUpdateItem: false
      cooldown: 0
      isCooldownInTicks: false
      cooldownMsg: '&cYou are in cooldown ! &7(&e%time_H%&6H &e%time_M%&6M &e%time_S%&6S&7)'
      displayCooldownMessage: false
      cancelEventIfInCooldown: false
      cooldown: 0
      isCooldownInTicks: false
      cooldownMsg: '&cYou are in cooldown ! &7(&e%time_H%&6H &e%time_M%&6M &e%time_S%&6S&7)'
      displayCooldownMessage: true
      cancelEventIfInCooldown: false
        executableItem: onoff-demo
        - activator0
        cooldown: 1
        isCooldownInTicks: true
      errorMessage: ''
      errorMessage: ''
    - -1
    - SENDMESSAGE Toggled Off
    playerConditions: {}
    worldConditions: {}
    itemConditions: {}
    customConditions: {}
        type: PLAYER_NUMBER
        comparator: EQUALS
        part1: '%var_x%'
        part2: '1.0'
        cancelEventIfNotValid: true
        messageIfNotValid: '&e'
        variableName: x
        type: SET
        modification: 0.0

Last comment

If you have any question or you think the guide wasn't clear enough, feel free to ask in Discord. We will help you ! 😁😁

Last updated