List of the Activators

  • CUSTOM_TRIGGER: It can be executed by running a command, or it can be scheduled.

  • CROP_GROW: Activates when a crop grows.

  • PLAYER_CUSTOM_LAUNCH: Activates when a player launches a custom projectile.

  • PLAYER_ENABLE_FLY : Activates when a player starts and stops flying.

  • PLAYER_ENABLE_SNEAK : Activates when a player starts sneaking.

  • PLAYER_ENABLE_SPRINT : Activates when a player starts sprinting.

  • PLAYER_ALL_CLICK : Activates when a player left-clicks or right-clicks the item.

  • PLAYER_BED_ENTER : Activates when a player right-clicks a bed.

  • PLAYER_BED_LEAVE : Activates when a player leaves the bed.

  • PLAYER_BEFORE_DEATH : Activates before a player's death.

  • PLAYER_BLOCK_BREAK : Activates when a player mines/breaks a block.

  • PLAYER_BLOCK_PLACE : Activates when a player places a block.

  • PLAYER_CHANGE_WORLD : Activates when a player moves to a different world.

  • PLAYER_CLICK_ON_ENTITY : Activates when a player click on an entity.

  • PLAYER_CLICK_ON_PLAYER : Activates when a player click on a player.

  • PLAYER_CONNECTION : Activates when a player log into the server. (Does not activate when you log out)

  • PLAYER_CONSUME : Activates when a player successfully eat/consume the item.

  • PLAYER_DEATH : Activates when a player dies.

  • PLAYER_DISCONNECTION : Activates when a player logs out from the server.

  • PLAYER_DISABLE_SNEAK : Activates when a player stops from sneaking.

  • PLAYER_DISABLE_SPRINT : Activates when a player stops from sprinting

  • PLAYER_DISABLE_FLY : Activates when the player stops flying.

  • PLAYER_DISABLE_GLIDE : Activates when the player stops gliding.

  • PLAYER_DESELECT_THE_EI : Activates if you deselect the EI item in the hotbar. (TO CHECK)

  • PLAYER_DISMOUNT : Activates when a player steps out from riding an entity.

  • PLAYER_DROP_ITEM : Activates when a player drops an item.

  • PLAYER_EDIT_BOOK : Activates when a player made changes to the book and quill and pressed done or sign the book.

  • PLAYER_ENABLE_GLIDE : Activates when the player starts gliding.

  • PLAYER_ENTER_IN_HIS_PLOT : Activates if you enter a plot from the PlotSquared plugin.

  • PLAYER_ENTER_IN_HIS_LAND : Activates if you enter in your land or a land where you are trusted

  • PLAYER_ENTITY_PLACE : Activates when the player places an entity (armor stands, boats, minecarts and end crystal)

  • PLAYER_EQUIP_ARMOR: Activates when the player equips an armor.

  • PLAYER_UNEQUIP_ARMOR: Activates when the player unequips an armor.

  • PLAYER_FOOD_CHANGE : Activates when the player food changes.

  • PLAYER_FIRST_CONNECTION : Activates when the player joins for first time on the server.

  • PLAYER_FERTILIZE_BLOCK : Activates if a player fertilizes blocks with bone meal.

  • PLAYER_FILL_BUCKET : Activates when a player attempts to pickup water or lava with a bucket.

  • PLAYER_FISH_BLOCK : Activates when a player right-click the fishing rod when the fishing rod bobber is on a block.

  • PLAYER_FISH_ENTITY : Activates when a player right-click the fishing rod when the fishing rod bobber catches an entity.

  • PLAYER_FISH_FISH : Activates when a player right-click the fishing rod when the fishing rod bobber catches something.

  • PLAYER_FISH_NOTHING : Activates when a player fishes nothing.

  • PLAYER_FISH_PLAYER : Activates when a player right-click the fishing rod when the fishing rod bobber catches a player.

  • PLAYER_HIT_PLAYER : Activates when a player hits a player

  • PLAYER_HIT_ENTITY : Activates when a player hits an entity

  • PLAYER_ITEM_BREAK : Activates when a player breaks the item by making it loose all its durability.

  • PLAYER_JUMP : Activates when a player jumps.

  • PLAYER_KILL_ENTITY : Activates when a player kills an entity.

  • PLAYER_KILL_PLAYER : Activates when a player kills a player.

  • PLAYER_LEAVE_HIS_PLOT : Activates if you leave a plot from the PlotSquared plugin.

  • PLAYER_LEAVE_HIS_LAND : Activates if you leave your land or a land where you are trusted

  • PLAYER_LEFT_CLICK : Activates when a player left-clicks the item.

  • PLAYER_MOUNT : Activates when a player mounts an entity.

  • PLAYER_SEND_MESSAGE : Activates when a player sends a message.

  • PLAYER_TELEPORT : Activates when the player gets teleported

  • PLAYER_PICKUP_ITEM : Activates when the player pick ups an item

  • PLAYER_WALK : Activates when a player walks.

  • PLAYER_WRITE_COMMAND : Activates when a player enters commands.

  • PLAYER_RECEIVE_HIT_BY_ENTITY : Activates when a player gets hit by anything from an entity.

  • PLAYER_RECEIVE_HIT_BY_PLAYER : Activates when a player gets hit by anything from a player.

  • PLAYER_RECEIVE_HIT_GLOBAL : Activates when a player gets hit by anything.

  • PLAYER_RESPAWN : Activates when a player re-spawns.

  • PLAYER_RIGHT_CLICK : Activates when a player right-clicks the item.

  • PLAYER_SHEAR_ENTITY : Activates when a player shears an entity.

  • PLAYER_SELECT_THE_EI : Activates when a player selects the EI item in the hotbar.

  • PLAYER_SWAP_HANDI : Activates when a player swap hands.

  • PLAYER_TARGETED_BY_AN_ENTITY : Activates when an entity targets a player.

  • PLAYER_TRAMPLE_CROP : Activates when a player tramples a crop.

  • PLAYER_PORTAL: Activates when a player enters to a portal

  • LOOP : Activates in repeat per player

  • LOOP_SERVER : Activates in repeat one time each loop

  • BLOCK_DRY: Activates when corals or farmlands got dried.

  • ENTITY_SPAWN: Activates when an entity spawns

    • If using summon command to trigger this add DELAYTICK 1 before all entityCommands, this happens because the commands doesn't run if the entity doesn't exist, and it will actually exist after 1 tick.

  • ENTITY_BEFORE_DEATH: Activates before the entity dies

  • ENTITY_BREAK_DOOR: Activates when an entity breaks a door (as zombie does)

  • ENTITY_BREED: Activates when one entiti breeds with another entity

  • ENTITY_CHANGE_BLOCK: Activates when an entity change a block state (as enderman when picking a block)

  • ENTITY_COMBUST_BY_BLOCK: Activates when an entity enters on fire by a block

  • ENTITY_COMBUST_BY_ENTITY: Activates when an entity enters on fire because of another entity

  • ENTITY_DAMAGE_BY_PLAYER: Activates when an entity gets damaged by a player

  • ENTITY_DAMAGE_BY_ENTITY: Activates when an entity gets damaged by entity

  • ENTITY_DAMAGE_BY_BLOCK: Activates when an entity gets damaged by a block

  • ENTITY_DEATH: Activates when an entity dies

  • ENTITY_DROP_ITEM: Activates when an entity drops an item

  • ENTITY_ENTER_BLOCK: Activates when an entity enters in a block (as bee enters into beehive)

  • ENTITY_ENTER_LOVE_MODE: Activates when an entity enters into love mode

  • ENTITY_EXPLODE: Activates when an entity explodes itself

  • ENTITY_PICKUP_ITEM: Activates when an entity pickup an item

  • ENTITY_PORTAL_ENTER: Activates when an entity enters to a portal

  • ENTITY_PORTAL_EXIT: Activates when an entity leaves a portal

  • ENTITY_REGAIN_HEALTH: Activates when an entity regains health

  • ENTITY_RESURRECT: Activates when an entity resurrects

  • ENTITY_TAME: Activates when an entity got tamed

  • ENTITY_TARGET_PLAYER: Activates when an entity targets a player

  • ENTITY_TARGET_ENTITY: Activates when an entity targets another entity

  • ENTITY_TELEPORT: Activates when an entity teleports itself

  • ENTITY_TRANSFORM: Activates when an entity got transformed

  • ENDERDRAGON_CHANGE_PHASE: Activates when the Ender Dragon change phase.

  • ITEMSADDER_PLAYER_BLOCK_BREAK: Activates when the player breaks a block from ItemsAdder

  • PLAYER_PROJECTILE_HIT_BLOCK: Activates when the player projectile hits a block

  • PLAYER_PROJECTILE_HIT_ENTITY: Activates when the player projectile hits an entity

  • PLAYER_PROJECTILE_HIT_PLAYER: Activates when the player projectile hits another player

  • ENTITY_PROJECTILE_HIT_BLOCK: Activates when the entity projectile hits a block

  • ENTITY_PROJECTILE_HIT_ENTITY: Activates when the entity projectile hits another entity

  • ENTITY_PROJECTILE_HIT_PLAYER: Activates when the entity projectile hits a player

  • ENTITY_PARTICIPATE_KILL_ENTITY: Activates when an entity participates on killing an entity

  • ENTITY_PARTICIPATE_KILL_PLAYER: Activates when an entity participates on killing a player

  • PLAYER_PARTICIPATE_KILL_ENTITY: Activates when a player participates on killing an entity

  • PLAYER_BRUSH_BLOCK: Activates when a player brushes a block

  • PLAYER_BUCKET_ENTITY: Activates when a player buckets an entity

  • PLAYER_HARVEST_BLOCK: Activates when a player harvests a block

  • PLAYER_KICK: Activates when a player gets kicked

  • PLAYER_LAUNCH_PROJECTILE: Activates when a player launch a projectile

  • PLAYER_OPEN_INVENTORY: Activates when a player opens their inventory

  • PLAYER_RECEIVE_EFFECT: Activates when a player receives an effect

  • PLAYER_REGAIN_HEALTH: Activates when a player regains health

  • PLAYER_RIPTIDE: Activates when a player riptides

  • PLAYER_SPAWN_CHANGE: Activates when a player change their spawn

Last updated